Choice of Texts

Michel Aflak

On Palestine

"The present conditions do not allow us to wait for the question to be resolved from its roots and as these conditions should make room for strife and discord, there remains before the Arabs the urgent task for rescuing Palestine. They must leave governments behind and bid farewell to their last hopes in the efficiency of the official policy and turn to popular action, devoting to it all their efforts."
(The Arabs should not wait for a miracle. Palestine cannot be saved by the governments but by popular action, 1 -A1-Baath- August 6, 1946)

"When our eyes and hearts turn to struggling and menaced Palestine at this moment, when we are determined to die to maintain our immortal rights there and repulse the aggressors, we should not forget that the cause of justice is one and that the liberty of the Arabs is indivisible. The people are determined with equal force to solidify its right in liberty and a dignified life, and prove to the countries slighting our rights and doubting our moral values and ideals that we are capable of repelling aggression wherever it comes from. The defense of the constitution of Syria and to rescue it from the menace of dictatorship will not be less worthy or of lesser advantage and nobility, in the esteem of the higher Arab interest, than the defense of the Arabic character of Palestine."
(The tragedy of Palestine and the amendment of the Syrian constitution, - AI-Baath - November 16, 1947)

"All this is on top of the tangible things in which everything has become obvious, misery, backwardness, degeneracy and hunger among the majority of the classes of the people. The incapacity to win a victory in Palestine has also become apparent."
(Defense before the court of appeal, 4 - October 30, 1948)

“It is our unshakable belief that if the battle takes place sooner or later it will not be to liberate Palestine alone but the whole Arab homeland. The people, when entering the field of struggle, will not be satisfied with conquering one enemy only.”
(The Arab unity and socialism, 5 - February 1956)

“The most important of these national quakes is undoubtedly the battle of Palestine, and the conspiracy and collusion of the imperialist states against the Arab cause when they decided to establish a state for Zionism in Palestine.
This event, as the conscious combatants of our nation have felt since the time of its occurrence —that is, eight years ago, and as the people and the overwhelming majority have started to feel gradually—this event is a historic one which has been and still is greatly instrumental in moving the Arabic structure and in unmasking the falsehood of the conditions in which the Arabs have been living. It made a fundamental and profound change in the souls and mentality of the Arabs, so much so that it moved them decades ahead. In short, the calamity of Palestine has ushered the Arabs in the modern age.”
(The relation between the governments and the Arab people, 4 - April 12, 1956)

“In Lebanon there are also seeds of suffering and revolution, even though they are of a different kind. There and among some of its groups have accumulated feelings of passivity and suspicions about the genuineness of the Arab nation and in its capacity for revival. In it have assembled the residues of defeatism in the Arab soul and the desperate attempt of a people that wants to get rid of its weakness by denying its identity and renouncing its nationality. But Lebanon has moved at last and for the first time we see a positive motion, which suffers from no disease and shuns no responsibility. The credit for this goes to the revolutionary orientation embodied in the Arab policy of liberation which derives its strength from the sufferings of Uruba (Arabism) in Algeria and Palestine.”
(Algeria and Palestine are the two wings of the Arab revolution and the guarantee for its continuity, 2 - June 7, 1957)

“The nature of the historical stage through which the Arabs are passing becomes clear in its landmarks and its direction becomes defined by two grave phenomena in the modern life of the Arabs: the battle of Algeria and the disaster of Palestine. The Arab struggle, with its decisive and revolutionary standard, and the Arab future with its universally humane principles, have had their first lines written and their forthcoming image been drawn up in these two wounds in the heart of the Arab nation, Algeria and Palestine, where the Arabs have experienced the deepest human sorrow. The nation fated to undergo such a trial cannot but give the deepest good and creativeness in its possession. As long as the nation is one and so long as we are concerned about its unity and persist in clarifying the oneness of its cause, it is inevitable that the other parts should interact and be uplifted to the level of the parts of greater suffering and revolution.”
(Algeria and Palestine are the two wings of the Arab revolution and the guarantee for its continuity, 2. June 7, 1957)

“The question of Palestine is not different from the nationalist question in general although it is the most important part of the latter. At this stage almost the whole question is summarized in Palestine. I mean to say that the solutions in our view do not differ. There is no specific solution to the Palestinian question. There is the solution in which we believe for all the problems of the Arab homeland: the revolutionary solution.”
(The question of Palestine and the revolutionary solution, 3 - May 25, 1969)

“For a long time the imperialist states and the reactionary regimes have been trying to isolate the question of Palestine from the cause of the other Arab regions. How many times was it said to Algeria and the Arab Maghreb in general: what have you to do with the Arabs? Take care of your own affairs and you will get help from us. How many times was Egypt told: What have you to do with the Arabs and the Arab lands? Take care of your own affairs and you will find help, aid as well as prosperity for your people. The Palestinians are told today to be realistic. This realism is false and deceptive. They are told to be interested in their own affairs and the affairs of their country and that perhaps they can save it or save a part of it.”
(Palestine is the Summing up of the Arab cause, 3 - May 30, 1969)

“What is taking place today is that Egypt wants the restoration of its land and so does Syria. The Resistance should not take refuge in the capitulation of the regimes and their acceptance of settlement. It will then be similar to the leaderships of regimes who agree to the settlement. The Palestinian state in as much as it is an __expression of the settlement, is an _expression of the reduction of Palestine or the Palestinian question from its historic size, the size of the destiny of the Arab nation, to a geographical size, regional, slight and disfigured!!”
(The regimes and the masses are two opposing facets of the Arab nation. Atha’ir Al-Arabi (The Arab revolutionary) - April 15, 1974)

“When the question of Palestine is considered the origin and the foundation and the principal Arab question, then will be no difference between the land of Palestine and the land of any other Arab region, except as far as concerns the danger of solidifying the Zionist settlement and enhancing the false historical Zionist claim to its in Palestine.
But when the price of the restoration of these lands to Egypt and Syria is the sale of Palestine to Zionism, when the return of these lands becomes a beginning of Egypt and Syria giving up the fight for liberation and for the unity of destiny, this restoration, instead of being a gain increasing the preparedness for the forthcoming engagement with the enemy, will show the renouncement of the Arab cause. Falsehood and deceit will then be unmasked. The question of Palestine will be the last one and of the least importance and not the cause of the Arabs but that of a segment of the Palestinian people! “
(The regimes and the masses are two opposite facets of the Arab nation. Atha’ir Al-Arabi (The Arab revolutionary) - April 15, 1974)

“Palestine and its people have always been victimized and they are paying the price. This must not continue, for this portion with which they are trying to appease the Palestinians does not represent more than one fifth of the land of Palestine. It will not be free. On top of all that is that a writ that will be obtained from the Palestinians renouncing their right in their land.”
(The regimes and the masses are two opposite facets of the Arab nation. Atha’ir Al-Arabi (The Arab revolutionary) - April 15, 1974)


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